Friday, 8 January 2016

                                                  Memory Lane

Three years still can’t believe how it went. I still remember my first day of college my first interaction with my friends how I met them and with whom I become friend first with. Everything is just like it was yesterday. I still remember my first day in college how tense I was. There were thousands of questions in my mind. How the three years are going to be? Why I took college so far? Will I get any friend or it will be very boring year?

Than the magic happen and I met some of the best people of my life i.e my six girlfriends. When we all become so close and best buddies we also didn’t know. But it was amazing it was fun. I believe if I would have not met them I would have lost many beautiful and happy moments of my life. I am grateful I got them.
When I am talking about college how I can miss these people who make our students life more wonderful, adds more memories to our life. They are none other than street food vendors outside the college. I think they are the one of the important part of our student life. And if your foodie than there is not a single stall you left in three years. Exploring street foods with friends, going to places, celebrating occasions and always being on the verge to try something new. Going to library to discuss presentations and coming out discussing nothing. Going to GCR spending their hours talking, giggling. The last minutes preparation of ppt. All this becomes such a wonderful part of our lives.

I remember us talking when the graduation is will be over. And now it’s just two months for college to over and its feels as time is running out of hands. As the time is passing and we are short of it. There are still many plans remaining to come into actions. There are still many things left to share with each other. There are still never ending topics to talk on.

As the pressure of future is increasing day by day the number of promises to keep the contact and the friendship is also increasing. Everything is changing at a faster speed.
After someday nothing will be remaining everyone will be separated. Everyone will get busy in their lives. There will be hardly any time to meet each other. But there will be enormous memories which will always connect us together......

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